A simple mouse game made for ICS 111
This is a simple circle projectile game I made for ICS 111 (introductory Java course) where the player controls a circle and has to dodge other projectiles. The game ends when the player hits a projectile enemy. This was made using the software sketchbook Processing. The game consists of the player (small blue circle) and the following three types of enemies spawning at random times:
This project utilized skills we had been learning in the class all semester including Java and object-oriented programming. It was also the first time I did anything that wasn’t text-based in the console window, so I ended up learning a lot. I learned about taking input from a mouse and having that carry over player character on screen, while also dealing with the variety of ways the enemies could move with differing velocities and locations. I think the three enemies I created had a good enough variety so it could hopefully keep the game interesting and challenging for the player. And through using Processing, I gained experience in using new, unfamiliar technologies and syntax.
The above gameplay footage was made by combining clips of multiple attempts at the game. So it is evident that one improvement I can make is to have a start window and a prompt asking if the player wants to play again. This would be much more intuitive than having to exit the window and run the program again each time.
Source: KaileeHung/circle-projectile-game